Aloha! Welcome to Crab Notes 🦀

Working with startups and crypto projects, one faces a super steep learning curve. Fundraising, re-thinking economic incentives, aligning growth with network effects, adjusting business models, social coordination, building communities and DAOs…

Most of the things in here are observations and a degree of speculation. It’s a collection of random thoughts rather than actual science. Basically, sharing with you as we try to learn. Would love to know what you find interesting, and discuss that.

We are mostly Telegram deep sea dwellers, so find us there.

Don’t worry, we don’t need your email address - we simply joined substack and decided to post thoughts here instead of other mediums. Also, this will forever be free, no payments sir. We don’t plan on abusing email notifications either.

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Crab Notes. A collection of drunk opinions & stats on crypto and startups.


Probably NGMI